The Power of Food Shopping

The purpose of this video is simply to highlight the importance of being able to do every day tasks such as food shopping.

I discuss why in particular being able to do our own food shopping, even if we need support to do it, is essential for our wellbeing and quality of life.

The reasons I highlight here include:

  1. It gives people a chance to make decisions for themselves and feel like they have some control. Having choice and control over decisions (such as what they are going to eat, how there money is spent ect) is often taken away from people when they have a medical condition/disability that stops them being able to do the task independently.

  2. It gives people an opportunity to get outside, get fresh air and have a change of scenery. People with a medical condition or disability, especially if it is new, can find themselves increasingly stuck in their homes and this can result in them feeling incredibly isolated and lonely.

  3. Accessing you local community helps with a sense of inclusion and belonging which can often be lost when someone if confined to their home.

  4. Again, particularly if the medical condition or disability is new to an individual, being able to do the “mundane” task of food shopping gives people a sense of normalicy that they may well be missing after such a life altering event.


My take on Traditional Befriending/ Companionship Services


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