Quality Life Enablement’s services aim to enhance individual’s quality of life.

As a social prescriber/professional you no doubt want the same.

Find out below how Occupational Therapy and Enablement Support can do this.

Think about the client who does not have family nearby and would benefit from a trusted, friendly visitor popping round to check on them and support them as needed.

Or a client who used to enjoy getting out and about but has told you that they are struggling with this now which is impacting their mood and making them lonely and feel like they are trapped in their own home.

Or that family member who is doing the best for their loved one but it is an awful lot and they could really do with some regular time away from their caring role to give them the opportunity to do things they want to do.

It involves me spending quality time with your client with the aim of reducing isolation and supporting them to do things they enjoy. It supports carers by giving them some regular time away from their caring role with the reassurance their loved one is being well looked after.

Or give me a call me on 07424555188

Enablement Support is a bespoke service so it can be whatever the client needs it to be.