Quality Life Enablement’s services aims to enhance your loved one’s quality of life.

It can also help take stress and pressure off families.

Find out below how both Occupational Therapy and Enablement Support can do this.

Want to make sure you are doing the best for your loved one?

Occupational Therapy Assessment

Learn how you can best support your loved one.

Learn how to enable your loved on to be as independent and safe as possible.

Get advice on how best to enhance your loved one’s quality of life.


Increase your loved one’s independence, confidence and safety.

Give your loved one a safe opportunity to practice skills/activities prior to completing them independently or with family.

Work towards goals that suit you and your loved ones.

Ever feel guilty that you can’t do more?

You have noticed that your Dad is not going to the beloved garden centre as much since your mum passed away or he is going to the bowling club less and less after that recent hospital admission.

Your spouse is struggling to get out the house since the stroke but you find it hard to help because they need to go in a wheelchair and it is difficult to push.

You love visiting your Aunt or Uncle but life has got very busy and you dont live locally so can’t get over as much as you would like.

You are caring for your loved one and also trying to juggle work, looking after the grandchildren, walking the dog, maintaining some sort of social life and generally spinning too many plates.

Enablement Support takes some of the pressure off you and ensures your loved one has regular, friendly visits, is well supported and able to do things they enjoy.